Note: originally published at The Breakery.
Have you ever heard Plato's cave allegory?
Prisoners who have spent their entire lives chained to the wall inside a cave have no view of the world beyond the cave. In fact, they can't even see the mouth of the cave, nor beyond it. Their only version of reality is the shadows cast by indirect light on the wall opposite of them. They know no other reality. So, they don't realize there is anything other than captivity and shadows inside that cave.
This is like consumer service contracts of adhesion.
We were all born into a world in which contracts for services like cell phone and internet were neither negotiated nor read. They're pre-written, and every provider's contracts are virtually the same. So, we don't realize there could be any other scenario, namely a scenario in which consumers have contractual rights and are able to effectively assert them.
This is the totalitarian consumer contract regime we're toppling. There is a better scenario, and what we've built empowers consumers to get there.
This is how CellBreaker.com is making the world a better place.
Just a handful of service provider executives shouldn't be able to dominate a few million consumers. We're not prisoners chained to a wall, and the trick is spreading the the word to consumers.